Module 7 - Your Core Skill
What is Your Core Skill?
This is relatively easy to identify if you have a main skill or profession.
If you do internet marketing, your core skill is everything to do with selling more goods or services to more people online.
If you are a lawyer, you main skill is your branch of the law. That could be Real Estate, Litigation, Trusts or whatever it is that you mainly focus on.
If you're a truck driver, your main skill is in moving loads across the country. You need to be a good driver, be attentive, know how to secure loads.
If you own a wine business, your main skill is identifying and selling good profitable wine.
If you are a home maker and parent, then your skill is looking after your family and home and all that involves - which is a lot, I know, I've done it!
Whatever your core skill is there is one thing for sure, it will most likely be disrupted in the next 5 years by new technology.
There are 22 separate sectors that will be disrupted by Blockchain and Smart Contracts alone in the next 5-10 years
They no particular order:
- Banking - Smart Contracts (SC) and Blockchain (BC) may do to banking what the internet did to print media.
- Cyber Security
- Supply Chain management - where BC and SC will verify fair trade
- Forecasting and prediction
- Networking and internet of Things (IOT) Devices
- Insurance - managing trust in identification, oracles and crop insurance as just two main examples
- Private Transport and ride sharing
- Cloud Storage - BC and SC helps to make it more secure
- Charity - inefficiency and corruption. BC will ensure that funds don't go missing or are used for the wrong purpose.
- Voting - BC will dramatically reduce if not prevent voter fraud
- Government - to reduce administration and corruption
- Public benefits - these are slow and bureaucratic. Se Govcoin in the UK for basic income payments.
- Healthcare - these are too reliant on legacy systems. BC and SC are good for medical records
- Energy management
- Online music - BC and SC will allow fans to buy directly from the creators
- Retail - BC will take out the middleman eg Amazon
- Real Estate - BC and SC will speed up the transactions and transfer of ownership - See this interesting article for more info
- Crowdfunding - Creators and supporters get charged high fees by platforms. SC will change that.
- Travel ID and Passports - There will be no need for passports in the future
- Event tickets - to eliminate ticket touts and excess charges and finally
- Your Industry - if you deal with data or currency, prepare to be disrupted.
So hopefully now you can see why it's a good idea to identify your core skill and add to it or better still, to skill stack on top of it to make yourself bulletproof.
These days a core skill is not enough.
It's not good enough to know that you are good at one thing. There are probably a lot of people that are also really good at that one thing.
If you are working for an organisation, then you are at risk of being made redundant. How would that affect your life? How many months of savings do you have? How long would it take for you to find another job or position with the same salary?