Module 1 - Overview

What is The Skill Stack all about?

In our ever changing world, you owe it to yourself to make the best use of your time, energy and money to make the best investments you can to secure your future.

Fortunately for you, you have arrived in the right place to know what that requires and also probably, at the right time for you, to discover exactly what that means.

I'll always start of each section and module with a quote, so here is your first one.

It's by one of the richest men in the world - Warren Buffett - worth an estimated $89 Billion.

" Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do. Anything that improves your own talents; nobody can tax it or take it away from you. They can run up huge deficits and the dollar can become far less. You can have all kinds of things happen. But if you've got talent yourself and you've maximised your talent, you've got a tremendous asset that can return ten-fold." -

Warren Buffett

Here's another good one on this subject:

"This is Your World. Shape it or someone else will." - Gary Lew - Writer, entrepreneur and philosopher

The Skill Stack

Is the compound effect of good skills, gained in a specific order, to grow your confidence, your health and your bank balance.

It’s not good enough to know that you’re really good at just one thing — because there are probably a lot of people who are also really good at just that one thing.

But if you can pick up other skills that complement the one main thing — such as public speaking, design, IT Skills, leverage, persuasion, communicating properly, and writing well— you’ve got an edge over everyone else. You’re now skill stacking. This truly is where the whole is far greater than the sum of the parts.

Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. You grow mentally and grow your wealth through the Entourage effect. (More on that in other Modules)

In short: you don’t have to be world-class in anything to succeed. If you’re in the top twenty-percent in a number of skills that go well together, you will end up with enough skills, stacked in such a way that you will be sought out by others due to your increased value to the world and as a result you will be able to earn more money, which makes you happier. Happiness and some new skills in that area will lead to less stress and ultimately to a healthier body.

Health. Wealth and Happiness – There is no end to those. You can always be healthier. You can always have more money. You can always be happier.

This truly is a course with no end.

As I look back over the years, I have Skill Stacked without really knowing what I was doing. Let me give you an example;

I was a lawyer 12 years ago. I became a lawyer in a pool of 128,000 other lawyers.

12 years later and there are now over 150,000 lawyers in that same pool.

Now that is just registered lawyers according to The Law Society, not people with a law degree, as there are many more than that.

In order to set myself apart from the other 127,999 lawyers, I learned public speaking (Module 1 of The Next Section). Now I was in a pool of just under 20,000 lawyers and I was able to start speaking one-to-many instead of 1-2-1.

My value as a lawyer had increased as a result of this new, complimentary skill.

Then I learned how to properly sell from the stage. (Module 3 in The Next Section)

Now my value had gone up further as I was now in a smaller group of lawyers who could speak on a subject to many people in one room or online AND sell them my goods or services. Books or consulting.

So as a lawyer I might earn $50,000 a year sitting at my desk in my first few years. Or an earning ratio - take home pay - of c$25 an hour

As a lawyer speaking on a specialist subject my value may have gone up to $60,000 or $30 an hour

But as a lawyer who could sell products or services from a stage or online, now my value went up to $150,000 a year and rising. $75 an hour.

So by adding to 2 complimentary skills to my one core skill, my value to the world went up 3x.

After learning my skills and honing them in just a few months, I could now host a webinar to hundreds of people online and make $15,000 dollars in 90 minutes. Let me tell you that next to a table rush at a live event when people want to buy your latest book, that's one of the best feelings in the world!

But it gets better.

As you learn about persuasion techniques you can now adjust your talk and your online images or slides to increase your selling statistics.

Selling online in a webinar might see a sales ratio of 10% - in other words, if you have 100 people online, then you can expect 10 of the listeners to buy something.

My ratio is anything from 20% to 35% and I have learned techniques from one of my mentors who can get 50%

My first webinar was selling tickets to a live event, as well as a digital recording of the last event, to anyone who could not attend on the dates offered. The price was $99 - I sold 100 to 980 listeners and earned $9,999 in just 90 minutes.

So the main aim of the Skill Stack is to increase your overall Value to yourself and ultimately to the world.

Many of the people that I mentor have seen big increases in their net worth or their immediate wealth. Yet more have seen their confidence rise now that they have some form of control over their lives that they never had before.

Yet more people tell me how much happier they feel and that this starts to flow into all the other areas of their lives.

The entourage or compound effect of the skills that you add make each skill far greater than the sum of the parts.

Public speaking alone will not do that. I know of many great public speakers that don't earn any money from speaking.

What you need is Public Speaking with a purpose. You will get that from Module 1 in Section 2

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